Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Read PROVAIL’s COVID-19 Operating Plan and emergency procedures below.


PROVAIL has a responsibility to maintain the COVID-19 Operating Plan, including procedures for screening, exposure control, mitigation and recovery post-exposure. All staff should be aware of the details of the COVID-19 Operating Plan

Teams should review the COVID-19 Operating Plan regularly at staff meetings. The plan details general procedures, as well as program-specific procedures for Home & Lifestyle, Mobility & Communication, and Employment.


Safety Training & Orientation

All new employees will go through an orientation that covers safety. If an employee’s main workplace is not at the headquarters, their manager or a designated Safety Committee representative will provide a safety orientation during their first week at the assigned location.

Employees who work directly with vulnerable clients undergo annual training on blood-borne pathogens (BBP) to keep their skills up to date. Staff in Home & Lifestyle, Mobility & Communication, and Employment must maintain active certifications in CPR, BBP, and First Aid. PROVAIL may provide the training or assist in arranging it through external resources.

Safety Committee

The Safety Committee at PROVAIL is made up of representatives from Headquarters, satellite Employment locations, and Home & Lifestyle locations. Members of the committee are responsible for overseeing safety at their respective facilities. They guide new employees through safety walk-throughs, manage safety and first-aid supplies, inspect fire extinguishers, conduct periodic safety inspections, and handle other safety-related tasks. In satellite offices, they also communicate with building management about safety issues.

In all PROVAIL departments, safety issues are discussed in department meetings, and concerns are reported to the safety steering committee. Each site conducts and documents safety training drills, including at least one full evacuation drill per year.

The Safety Committee will document and engage departments in training in the following subjects (and others as time and interest presents itself):

  • Earthquake readiness
  • Fire safety and Fire Extinguisher Use
  • Violence in the workplace
  • Volcanic emergencies
  • Tsunamis/seiche considerations
  • Stress in the workplace
  • Pandemic flu
  • Chemical emergencies
  • Personal preparedness
  • Gas Leaks
  • Active shooter scenarios
  • Shelter in place
  • Evacuation routes (+ considerations)

The Safety Committee keeps records about safety, provides resources for staff, and important information. The committee includes members from all departments and satellite offices, including both managers and non-managers. Every year, the committee’s members are chosen by asking for volunteers from all staff and getting recommendations from department heads if necessary. The list of members for the year is then shared with all employees. The committee meets at least quarterly, and its leader reports to the Executive Team when necessary.

The committee’s responsibilities include sharing educational information, organizing real and virtual drills, and conducting surveys to understand how well everyone knows about safety. They analyze the results and give recommendations to the Executive Team regarding safety issues and educational needs.

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