Find information about different employment types and classifications. Find step by step processes to initiate a hire.


  • Promotion: A position change from a lower salary and job classification to a new classification with a higher salary. If a hiring manager wants to create a new  position for an employee that includes a new title, new duties, and the employee’s current role will be refilled, then an open recruitment is required.
  • Lateral Transfer: A position change within the same job classification. Not all positions with the same job title are considered lateral transfers. For example, an Employment Consultant on the Employment Team is not defined as lateral to a Home Care Assistant on the H&L team.
  • Demotion: A position change that results in a lower salary.
  • Hiring Manager: The supervisor who moves the hiring process forward. Usually, but not exclusively, the current direct supervisor of the position being hired for.
  • Offer Approver: In most cases the hiring manager. The senior manager or associate director who is tasked with reviewing and approving hires for the programs they oversee. The hiring approver will identify any concerns or deficiencies in the hiring records and ensure corrections are made before the hiring recommendation is sent to HR. No offer may be made without formal approval from the designated senior manager or director.
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Software managed by Human Resources to track and administer the hiring process.

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These guidelines outline Human Resources’ process for posting and communicating vacancies. We are an equal opportunity organization and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. Our hiring is based on merit with special care taken to ensure procedures are free from biases related to a candidate’s age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, caste, gender identity or any other personal characteristics that are unrelated to the job. We are committed to investing in our employees and helping them advance in their careers within our company whenever possible.

These guidelines apply to our full-time, part-time and on-call employees and jobs regardless of FLSA status.

Job Posting Elements
Our job postings should utilize the standard job posting template provided by Human Resources and should include:

  • Job summary
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Department
  • Company summary
  • Total rewards:
    • Compensation band
    • Applicable benefits
  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs)
  • Requirements (including physical requirements)
  • Instruction on how to apply and deadline
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) statement

The Senior Recruiter must approve all job postings and will ensure the posting is consistent with the job description.

Posting duration

  • External jobs must be posted for no less than 7 days
  • Internal jobs must be posted for no less than 5 days

External job postings should appear in the following places:

  • Company website
  • Diversity Recruitment Platform

External job postings can be posted on various external job boards including but not limited to LinkedIn, Zip Recruiter, Indeed, or professional associations with the permission of Human Resources.

External job postings must also be posted internally and candidates can be assessed from both sources simultaneously. Although we typically post jobs, we reserve the right to fill positions through other means (e.g. directly promoting an employee). All job postings must be posted externally unless the Chief People Officer provides an exception.

Internal job postings will be distributed through the following channels:

  • Emails sent to all agency staff who have company email and personal email addresses on file
  • UKG Communication Broadcast
  • Internal Career Website

‘Evergreen’ jobs postings will be communicated quarterly.

Employees who will be considered for a new position
We will consider current employees who apply to our job postings if they:

  • Meet each job’s minimum criteria;
    Perform their current jobs satisfactorily;
  • Have held their current position for at least six months (any exceptions must be approved by HR); and
  • No disciplinary action in the past year.

There are four staff job types:

  • Regular Full-Time employee
  • Regular Part-Time employees
  • On-Call employees
  • Temporary employees
  • Paid Interns

Positions may be exempt from FLSA overtime pay requirements or eligible for overtime pay in accordance with FLSA and WMWA.

Detailed definitions of employee classifications are available in the PROVAIL Employee Handbook.

A. Recruitment for any vacant position can only occur after the manager or supervisor has notified Human Resources about the vacancy.

  • In the case of an employee who is voluntarily resigning, the manager must provide to Human Resources a copy of the written resignation by the employee if provided.
  • If a written resignation was not provided, the manager should send an email or letter accepting the employee’s resignation and provide a copy of that to Human Resources.
  • Managers should advise departing employees that they may only use PTO for protected reasons during notice period is generally not permitted, pursuant to agency personnel policies.

B. Newly created positions may not be announced until a Personnel Requisition Form has been completed and an approved job description is on file with Human Resources.

C. All open positions must be announced to all current staff by creating a requisition in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The following information should be provided to HR prior to opening the requisition:

  • The open position to be announced
  • Shift (including start and end times as required)
  • Location of position
  • Days off (if known)
  • Whether or not driving a vehicle (personal or agency-owned) is a requirement of the position.

1. Hiring manager submits Personnel Requisition Form to hr@provail.org.

2. For new jobs HR drafts the job description and job posting with input from hiring manager

  • HR will review job description and job posting to ensure inclusive language
  • HR will determine an appropriate salary grade for the job, set FLSA status, and confirm budgetary approval
  • For new non-director jobs Director and area chief officer (or their designee) must approve
  • For new senior level job (Director and above) may require additional CEO or Board approval
  • HR and hiring manager determine posting strategy (internal / external / direct promotion)
  • HR posts the job and communicates the posting internally.

3. For positions requiring external posting for which there are no internal candidates or a parallel strategy is pursued these criteria must be met:

  • The candidate pool is diverse
  • Have a minimum of two candidates (not applicants)
  • Reposting the position may be necessary to meet these requirements.
  • HR will provide guidance on next steps (candidate evaluation, interviewing, candidate communication, selection, hiring) in accordance with best practice
  • New positions can take two or more weeks to create and approve.

About the FLSA and WMWA
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Washington Minimum Wage Act (WMWA) establish minimum standards that may be exceeded, but cannot be waived or reduced. The FLSA is federal law; the WMWA is state law. Employers must comply with any federal, state or municipal laws, regulations or ordinances, or collective bargaining agreements or employer implemented policies that provide greater benefits than those established by the FLSA. When state laws differ from the federal FLSA, an employer must comply with the standard most generous to employees.
Since the state salary threshold for overtime exemption under WMWA is higher and therefore more generous to employees than the FLSA salary threshold, the WMWA threshold is applied.

FLSA and WMWA requirements
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Washington State Minimum Wage Act (WMWA) require that most workers receive a minimum overtime pay of 1.5 times the employee’s regular pay rate for all hours worked over 40 hours in a seven-day workweek. PROVAIL calls positions that are covered by FLSA and WMWA overtime regulations “non-exempt” or “overtime eligible.” All hourly paid workers are, by definition, overtime eligible. Only positions that meet certain narrowly defined criteria are exempt from the FLSA and WMWA’s overtime requirements. Human Resources is responsible for determining the overtime status for all staff positions.

Workweek Definition
PROVAIL’s workweek begins Sunday at 12:01 am and extends the seven days following. Because overtime is based upon actual hours worked, compensated time off (e.g., vacation, paid sick leave, etc.) falling within the regularly scheduled workweek is not considered “time worked” for the purpose of calculating overtime.

Changes to the Overtime Exempt Salary Threshold – Changes effective January 1, 2023
Effective January 1, 2023 under the WMWA, the minimum actual gross salary a position can be paid and still remain overtime exempt increased from $1,014.30 per week to $1,259.20 per week ($65,484 per year or $5,457 per month). As a result, regular full-time and part-time positions that do not meet the new, higher weekly salary threshold must be changed to overtime eligible. This is true of part-time positions, since the $1,259.20 per week threshold applies regardless of whether a position is part-time or full-time. For example, a full-time salaried employee with a full-time equivalent salary of $90,000 who works half time, would have a weekly salary of $865, below $1,259.20 per week, and would need to be in an overtime eligible job code.

When is a recruitment required?
A search is required for all new permanent positions. Direct hires are allowed for interim positions and those appointments are limited to 180 days in duration.

If a hiring manager wants to create a new position for an employee that includes a new title, new duties, and the employee’s current role will be refilled, then an open recruitment is required.

Can I limit my recruitment to PROVAIL employees?
Yes. Notify the Senior Recruiter if a posting will be limited.

Who sets the salary?
Human Resources assigns the salary range by assessing the scope of responsibilities, and comparing similar positions.

What does it mean to be exempt?
Exempt positions are salaried and not eligible for overtime. A position is exempt when the position’s salary exceeds the overtime salary threshold and meets criteria in the professional job duties test.

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